Matte pure aluminum flat bottom easy-tear zipper cat food bags

Matte pure aluminum flat bottom easy-tear zipper cat food bags

Postview: 264       Date:September 14, 2023
  • Packaging Style: Flat bottom easy-tear zipper bags
  • Material: MOPP // VMPET //PE
  • Merit: Large effective printing area, Moisture-proof, Waterproof, Oilproof, Smell proof
  • Surface finishing: Matte, Metallic effect

Flat bottom bags are sealed on 8 sides. Therefore, it has 5 panels for effective printing: front, back, bottom, left and right side. Perfect to promote product sales, and customers can understand your products immediately after reading the details.

The cat food bags use pure aluminium foil as a barrier layer against moisture, air and light to keep the cat food fresh for longer. The easy-open zip can open the bag at the tear tab on one end of the bag, and there are bumps on the top and bottom of the tear tab to play a guiding role, which makes it easier to tear the bag open.

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